Q. How long has Pacific-Realtors.net been in business?
A. The firm started doing business in 1987, but the broker for the firm, Michael Chulak,
has been licensed as a real estate broker since 1971.
Q. Is it possible for me to earn commissions by simply referring potential buyers
and sellers to a full time, experienced real estate agent?
A. Yes. By becoming a referral agent, you can avoid joining the Board of Realtors and
Multiple Listing Service while earning commissions. Referral real estate agents can
earn thousands of dollars consistently each year without showing homes or selling.
Call Michael Chulak for details.
Q. Do you do more than sell homes?
A. Yes. We are involved in property management, commercial leasing and sales,
apartment building sales, and land sales. Our affiliate, Pacific Business Advisors
represents people wanting to sell or buy a business.
Q. Does a large number of agents with a real estate brokerage firm increase the
probability that a property listed with the firm will sell fast and at a higher
A. No. The size of a real estate brokerage firm does not matter because the
overwhelming majority of real estate sales are the result of agents using the
Multiple Listing Service. The MLS has thousands of member agents.
The Multiple Listing service, or MLS, is a marketing database established by its
member real estate brokers who cooperate with each other by providing accurate
data about properties each broker has for sale or lease.
Nearly all real estate brokers are members of the MLS. This includes the large
franchise brokers as well as small as independent brokers. The MLS has the effect
of making every brokerage firm equal in that every property listed for sale can be
sold by any real agent employed by any member broker. It is usual for a listed
property to be sold by a firm other than the listing firm.
The concept of the MLS is that each brokerage firm working through its real estate
agents will attempt to sell any of the properties listed because commissions are split
between the listing firm and the selling firm with each firm compensating its own
The MLS, with its large inventory of listed properties, is designed to provide every
real estate agent access to the total inventory of available properties. Most
importantly, the shared system of property listings gives every property equal
exposure to the market. This arrangement is in the best interest of sellers, buyers,
brokers, and real estate agents.
When it comes to selling or buying real estate, the size of the firm is of little
importance. It is the performance of the individual agent that matters. His or her
dedication, knowledge, and experience is what really counts.
Q. Are real estate brokerage commissions set by law in California? It seems that
every firm is charging 6% to sell a home and 10% to sell land.
A. A Broker commissions are not set by law. Every real estate brokerage firm
establishes what it will charge to market and sell a given property. Commissions
and levels of service vary from firm to firm.
Q. We own a condominium that we really cannot afford, but don't want to move.
Is it possible for you to find an investor who would buy a partial interest in
our property so that we are able to lower our monthly housing expense?
A. Yes. Call Michael Chulak to discuss the various options that are available.
Q. Does your firm ever joint venture the purchase of investment properties with
A. Yes. We will consider the joint venture of homes, rental homes, apartments,
commercial properties, and land. Call Michael Chulak to discuss a potential joint
purchase of any type of real estate.
Q. When Pacific-Realtors.net lists a house for sale, do you hold open houses?
A. We strongly believe that holding open houses helps to sell houses and have sold
many properties due to the fact that we hold open houses. As long as we have the
consent of the seller, we will hold open houses until the property is sold. Open
houses work because many buyers understand that there is no substitute for seeing
properties in person. While photographs and videos have their place, open houses
have proven to result in sales.
Q. Can a non-citizen own real estate in the United States?
A. Absolutely. Whether you are a citizen or a non-citizen, we would be pleased to help
you purchase a home, land, or any other real estate.
Q. When I sell my house, I intend to move out of California and retire. Can you
refer me to a reliable, knowledgeable real estate agent?
A. Almost always.
Q. If I obtain a real estate license and join your firm, will I be assigned someone
to assist me through my first few sales transactions?
A. Absolutely. All new real estate agents are assigned a mentor and receive extensive
training both in the office and in the field. A knowledgeable experienced, financially
successful senior agent will be available 24 / 7 to help you and will be available to
meet with prospective clients as needed.
Q. Is it possible to be successful selling real estate part-time?
A. Yes, assuming you have no other employment, or your other employment is
compatible with selling real estate. If your other employment allows for flexibility in
your time requirements, there should be no problem. If your other employment is
rigid in its time requirements, it will not be compatible with serving as a real estate
agent which often requires you to be available on short notice. It is for this reason,
that many successful part-time real estate agents choose to manage rental homes
part-time. We encourage this at Pacific-Realtors. net and help agents develop
rental home management business.
Q. Is your company familiar with the sale of stock cooperatives?
A. Yes. We have represented many buyers and sellers of coops in Southern
Q. I would like to join your real estate company but I live very far from your
corporate office in Agoura Hills. Can I work from my home in Northern
California if I join Pacific-Realtors.net?
A. Yes. It is not necessary to work from Agoura Hills. Today, most real estate
agents do most of their work from their home.
Q. I am a very successful real estate agent with a dedicated team located
within ten miles of Agoura Hills. Will you consider opening a
Pacific-Realtors.net office for my team?
A. Yes, assuming you have a proven record of success over a period of at least
two years.
Q. Does the opportunity exist within your firm for a successful Realtor to
become a part owner of the company?
A. Yes.
Q. Is Pacific-Realtors.net interested in acqulrmg small independent real
estate brokerage firms in Southern California?
A. Yes. Please call to discuss.
Q. We own some desert land that is located in an extremely remote area. It does
not have water or utilities, and is not located on an improved road. We have
tried to sell it without success. Can you help us sell it?
A. Yes. If you are wiling to carry financing, we have buyers who are long term land
bankers who are in the market for inexpensive rural land including desert property.
Q. If I sell my desert land with 10% to 15% down, carry back financing to make
the sale, and then pay a commission and closing costs, I will end up with little
cash. If I list my desert property with your firm, are you willing to take all or
some of your commission as a note secured by deed of trust?
A. Generally, yes. If we recommend that the seller carry back financing, we are almost
always willing to convert all or some or all of our commission into financing.